How To Merge Profiles

1.     Introduction

Profiles are the basis of OPERA and need to be managed to obtain correct statistics and guest information.

Duplicate profiles must be checked on a regular basis for all profile types and if found should be merged to ensure that there is a single profile for the relevant Individual, Company and Travel Agent


There are two options for merging profiles:

a)      Simple Merge is used for merging a single profile with another

b)     Advanced Merge allows the merging of multiple Profiles



2.     Profile Merge

2.1. Application Settings

Ø  None

2.2.  Configuration

Ø  None


2.3.  Application

Ø  From PMS

Ø  Select Reservations > Profiles


Ø  Search for the Profile that you wish to retain

Ø  Select Edit

Ø  Select Options


Ø  Select Merge

Ø  Search and Select the Profile you wish to merge/remove

Ø  Highlight and select OK


Ø  Review the profiles that will be merged

Ø  Select Merge

Ø  All details, past and future reservation and Statistics will be merged

Ø  Select OK once complete


Ø  Close to exit Profile




3.     Advanced Profile Merge

3.1. Application Settings

Ø  From Configuration

Ø  Select Set Up > Application Settings

Ø  Select the Profiles Group

Ø  Select Parameters radio button

Ø  Highlight ADVANCED PROFILE MERGE and edit


Ø  Set Value to Y and OK

Ø  Close to exit Application Settings

Ø  Log out and log back into PMS

3.2.  Configuration

Ø  None

3.3.  Application

Ø  From PMS

Ø  Select Miscellaneous > Profile Merge


Ø  Select the Profile Type


Ø  Insert the Profile name of the profile to be merged

Ø  Select the Match Criteria

Ø  Select Search


Ø  Highlight the Profile that is most correct and to be kept

Ø  Select Original


Ø  Click in the 1st column to mark the profiles that are to be merged/removed

Ø  Select Merge


Ø  All details, past and future reservation and Statistics of all selected profiles will be merged


Ø  Select OK once done


Ø  Close to exit





4.     Profile Auto Match and Merge


4.1.  Controls

Ø  None

4.2.  Configuration


Ø  From Configuration

Ø  Select Profile > Profile Auto Merge Setup

Ø  Select Rules

Ø  Select New


Ø  Insert Code

Ø  Select Profile Type

Ø  Select OK

Ø   Highlight Rule

Ø  Select Details


Ø  Select Match Criteria

Ø  Double click in the Apply column to select the area to match profiles

Ø   Select OK



Ø  Select Match Points




Ø  Select New


Ø  Select Key Values drop down to identify the field to be considered for matching


Ø  Select the fields required

Ø  Select OK


Ø  Insert the number of Points to assign to the combination of fields selected

Ø  Select OK


Ø  Repeat the New option to add additional areas to be considered when merging


Ø  Set the Thresholds

o   The LOWER_THRESHOLD indicates the lowest merge level that a profile needs to achieve to be considered for a match.

o   The UPPER_THRESHOLD indicates the hurdle a profile needs to take in order to match with an existing profile.

o   If a profile acquires points between the lower and upper threshold it will be staged and user intervention is required to achieve a final match

Ø  Highlight Lower Threshold and Edit


Ø  Insert the number of Points

Ø  Select OK



Ø  Highlight Upper Threshold and Edit


Ø  Insert the number of Points

Ø  Select OK


Ø   Select Close to exit




4.3.  Application


Ø  From Utilities

Ø  Select Processors

Ø  Select Profile Match Merge



Ø  From Utilities

Ø  Select Profile > Profile Match List


Ø  From Utilities

Ø  Select Profile > Profile Match List


Ø  Select the Profile Type

Ø  Select the Rule Code

Ø  Select Search

Ø  Highlight those you do not wish to merge

Select Merge

Last modified: Friday, 23 September 2022, 5:08 PM