How To Complete a Check In
A. Introduction
On arrival at the property a guest will go to the reception in order to register, make payment and be given a room number to occupy during their stay.
B. Step by Step
1. Begin by searching for the reservation made previously
1.1. Front Desk – Arrivals
1.2. The Arrivals Search Screen will display
a) The search option will display all arrivals
b) A specific reservation can also be searched for by
1.2.b.1. Guest Name
1.2.b.2. Confirmation Number
1.2.b.3. Membership No
1.2.b.4. Company or Travel Agent details
c) The search results grid lists the reservations that meet the search criteria you specified
d) Highlight the relevant reservation
1.2.d.1. If applicable, red indicator lamps in the lower part of the screen alert you if the reservation has preferences, deposit requirements, shares, profile notes, reservation comments, routing etc.
e) A registration card can be printed or re-printed using the Reg. Card button, for completion by the guest.
1.2.e.1. Click on Reg Card
1.2.e.2. Select the Card with an X
1.2.e.3. Select Print
f) Select the EDIT button in order to review and confirm the reservation details (dates, billing instructions. etc.) and room requirements, from the reservation screen
1.2.f.1. Any reservation prompts e.g. Reservation Alerts, Guest Messages will display at this stage.
1.2.f.2. Update the profile details of the guest via the Profile Ellipses button
g) Select OK to continue
1.2.g.1. If a room has been allocated to the reservation you will be promoted to check the guest in.
1.2.g.2. If no room has been allocated you will return to the search screen
h) Select the Check In button
1.2.h.1. If no room has been allocated you will be prompted to search for one
a) If a room matching the room type is available it will auto populate
b) If no rooms are available select the List of Values arrow in order to search for one
i. If required amend the features and room type to obtain a room or alternatively close out and discontinue
c) Ensure the guest is happy with the room inserted
d) Confirm the Payment method to be used on departure
1.2.h.2. If the room assigned is dirty you will be prompted and if selecting ‘No’, Opera will attempt to assign another room
Select OK to continue
a) A prompt will advise that that guest has been checked in
b) Ok to return to the search screen