Configuring Groups and Master Records for Menu Items

Configuring Major Groups

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Major Groups.
  2. Insert a new record, and then enter a name for the major group (for example, Food).
  3. Enter a number other than 0 (zero) in the Report Group field.

    For example, you can enter 1 for the Food major group and enter 2 for the Liquor major group. When you enter 0 (zero), the menu item does not appear on the Menu Item Report.

  4. Click Save.

Configuring Family Groups

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Family Groups.
  2. Insert a new record, and then enter a name for the family group (for example, Appetizers).
  3. Enter a number other than 0 (zero) in the Report Group field.

    For example, you can enter 1 for all family groups associated with Food and enter 2 for all family groups associated with Liquor. When you enter 0 (zero), the menu item does not appear on the Menu Item Report.

  4. (Optional) Select the Parent Major Group to which the new family group belongs.
      5. Click Save.

Menu Item Master Records

A menu item master record is configured at the Enterprise level and is inherited by all properties. This record resides at the top of the menu item hierarchy, and its primary purpose is to appear in reports. A menu item master:
  • Does not appear on workstation touchscreens

  • Does not have a price

A menu item can have only one menu item master per property (for example, one Shrimp Cocktail master record exists).

Configuring Master Records for Menu Items

You can add master records for menu items, along with menu item definitions and prices, using a template record. If you are creating a new property and there are no template records to use, at first you can add only a menu item master record, and then add menu item definition and price records later.

If a menu item name includes the special characters, $#$, they are replaced with the object number of the record being created. For example, if the name is My Record $#$ and is being inserted into object number 4, the new record is created as My Record 4.

  1. Select the Enterprise level, click Configuration, and then click Menu Item Maintenance.
  2. Click Insert on the toolbar.
    1. To add a master record using a template:
      1. From the Select a task to perform drop-down list, select Add Master Record from Template, and then select the menu item to use as the template from Master to Copy.
      2. Enter the Name of the new menu item, select the Report Master, and then enter the Record Number for the menu item master record.
      3. To copy all menu item names from the original menu item template, select Copy Menu Item Name.
      4. To modify the prices of each menu item definition, select Configure Prices Individually, and then enter the price for each definition in the table.

        This is the default setting. This option is used for menu items that do not use the same price in every revenue center. That is, multiple price records exist in a single revenue center for a single definition. If the Price Level field in the table is blank, the record has no price (it is probably a condiment), and no price will be created.

      5. To define a single price for all menu item definitions, select Use same price for all records, and then enter the price in the adjacent field.

        This option is used for menu items that are priced the same system-wide. It creates a menu item with the same price for every definition and price record. If the Price Level field in the table is blank, the record has no price (it is probably a condiment), and no price will be created. You can modify the price of a definition at any time.

    1. To add a master record without a template:
      1. From the Select a task to perform drop-down list, select Add Master Record Without a Template, and then enter the Name of the new menu item.
      2. Select a Major Group and a Family Group for the menu item.
      3. Enter a Report Group number between 1 and 99 for the menu item.

        Menu Item Reports sort and list subtotals by Report Group. When the Report Group number is 0 (zero), the menu item does not show on Menu Item Reports.

  3. Select the appropriate value for the object number:
    • To insert the menu item in the next available position, select Next Available Position.

    • To define the record number or range for the new menu item record or records, select Record Number Or Range, and then enter the record numbers or ranges.

    • To insert the menu item at the next available record number after the currently selected record, select After currently selected record. For example, if you have record #50 selected and records 51 through 53 also exist, the new men item is created in record #54.

    1. Click OK.
    2. (Optional) Select the Master Group for the Menu Item Master record.

      A Menu Item Master Group is a collection of Menu Item Masters. The group is used for conversational ordering to allow the menu item master to be switched based on levels or other conditions.

    3. Double-click the new master record to open it.
    4. Click the Production Item tab, click Add and then, configure the following settings:
      • Production Item Name: Select the name of the production item. You can add more than one distinct production item.

      • Production Item Count: Enter the number of portions required to complete the menu item. The count must be between 1000.00 and 0.00. For example, a hamburger would require a single hamburger patty, while a double-cheeseburger would required 2 patties. You can enter half, quarter, and so on.

    5. Click Save.

Last modified: Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 11:49 AM