Employee Shifts - Configuring

Configuring Employee Shifts

A shift is the period of time that an employee is scheduled to work. Employees can volunteer or are scheduled to work more than one shift. Simphony provides the ability to post employee or cashier totals to shifts to account for the multiple shifts worked during a single business day.

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Setup, and then click Control Parameters.
  2. Click the Options tab, and then select the appropriate shift options.

    Table 11-6 Shift Options


    49 - Enable Shift Tracking

    Select this option to activate shift reporting, segregating employee, employee tip, and cashier financial totals by shift. Deselect this option to accumulate employee, employee tip, and cashier totals in a single total set. When you deselect this option, the subsequent shift-related options are dimmed.

    50 - Increment Cashier Shift when Clocking Out

    Select this option to increment the shift for the cashier associated with the employee clocking out (except when clocking out on break). Deselect this option to have the shift for the cashier associated with the employee remain the same.

    51 - Increment Cashier Shift when Clocking In

    Select this option to increment the shift for the cashier associated with the employee clocking in (except when returning from break). Deselect this option to have the shift for the cashier associated with the employee remain the same.

    52 - Increment Cashier Shift when Changing Job

    Select this option to increment the shift for the cashier associated with the employee when they clock in with a different job. This clock in occurs automatically when the employee signs on to a workstation with a different revenue center than the job in which they are currently clocked in. Deselect this option to have the shift for the cashier associated with the employee remain the same during this clock in cycle.

    53 - Increment Cashier Shift when Changing Revenue Center

    Select this option to increment the shift for the cashier associated with the employee when signing on to a different revenue center. Deselect this option to have the shift for the cashier associated with the employee remain the same when signing on to a different revenue center.

    54 - Prompt before incrementing Cashier Shift

    Select this option to prompt the employee to increment the shift for the cashier associated with the employee when the shift is set to increment upon clocking in or out, changing jobs, or changing revenue centers. Deselect this option so that no prompting occurs when the cashier shift is set to increment through one of those methods.

    55 - Prompt to Increment Cashier Shift after Shift Report

    Select this option to prompt the workstation operator to increment the cashier shift when a Cashier Shift Report is generated with a shift scope. Deselect this option so that no prompting occurs and the cashier shift does not increment.

    56 - Increment Employee Shift when Clocking Out

    Select this option to increment the shift for the employee upon clocking out (except on break). Deselect this option to have the shift for the employee remain the same.

    57 – Increment Employee Shift when Clocking In

    Select this option to increment the shift for the employee upon clocking in (except when returning from break). Deselect this option to have the shift for the employee remain the same.

    58 - Increment Employee Shift when Changing Job

    Select this option to increment the shift for the employee when clocking in with a different job. This clock in occurs automatically when the employee signs on to a workstation with a different revenue center than the job in which they are currently clocked in. Deselect this option to have the shift for the employee remain the same during this clock in cycle.

    59 - Increment Employee Shift when Changing Revenue Center

    Select this option to increment the employee shift when signing in to a different revenue center. Deselect this option to have the employee shift remain the same when signing in to a different revenue center.

    60 - Prompt to Increment Employee Shift after Shift Report

    Select this option to prompt the workstation operator to increment the employee shift when an Employee Shift Report is generated with a shift scope. Deselect this option to set no prompting and leave the employee shift the same.

    61 - Prompt before incrementing Employee Shift

    Select this option to prompt the workstation operator to increment the employee shift when the shift is set to increment upon clocking in or out, changing jobs, or changing revenue centers. Deselect this option to set no prompting when the employee shift is set to increment through one of those methods.

  3. Click Save.
  4. Select the revenue center, click Setup, and then click RVC Parameters.
  5. Click the Calendar tab.
  6. From the Shift Incrementing Options section, select the following options if you do not want Employee or Cashier Financial Shifts to reset with the start of business day:
    • Do not reset Employee Financial Shifts with the start of each business day

    • Do not reset Cashier Financial Shifts with the start of each business day

  7. Click Save.

Configuring Employee Breaks

A break is a rest period for hourly workers, such as a lunch break. Breaks can be either paid or unpaid and you can set time limits for breaks. Some jurisdictions legislate break length requirements for minor employees.

  1. Select the property, click Setup, and then click Property Parameters.
  2. Click the Timekeeping tab, and then enter values in the following fields:
    • Minor Unpaid Break Minimum Length: If applicable, enter the minimum number of minutes allowed for unpaid breaks taken by a minor employee.

    • Minor Unpaid Break Maximum Length: If applicable, enter the maximum number of minutes allowed for unpaid breaks taken by a minor employee.

    • Minor Paid Break Minimum Length: If applicable, enter the minimum number of minutes allowed for paid breaks taken by a minor employee.

    • Minor Paid Break Maximum Length: If applicable, enter the maximum number of minutes allowed for paid breaks taken by a minor employee.

    • Regular Unpaid Break Minimum Length: Enter the minimum number of minutes allowed for an unpaid break taken by a regular employee.

    • Regular Unpaid Break Maximum Length: Enter the maximum number of minutes allowed for an unpaid break taken by a regular employee.

    • Regular Paid Break Minimum Length: Enter the minimum number of minutes allowed for a paid break taken by a regular employee.

    • Regular Paid Break Maximum Length: Enter the maximum number of minutes allowed for a paid break taken by a regular employee.

  3. Click Save.

Clock-In and Clock-Out Cycles

A clock-in cycle for a workstation operator includes one clock in and the subsequent clock out. Clock-in cycles are sequentially numbered from the start of the current payroll period to the current date on employee time cards and labor detail reports. If breaks are not in use, a cycle is the equivalent of a work shift.

A clock-in cycle includes the day, date, and time of the entry and the Job Code under which the employee clocks in.

Setting Clock-In and Clock-Out Cycles

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, or revenue center, click Configuration, and then click Employee Maintenance.
  2. Search for the property employee record.
  3. Select the Employee Records tab near the lower part of the screen, and then double-click the object number of the appropriate record.
  4. If the ID field is blank, enter the employee identification number.
  5. Click the Search/Table View tab.
  6. Click the Property Employee Records tab near the lower part of the screen, and then double-click the object number of the appropriate record.
  7. Click the Job Codes tab and add a job code for the role if it does not exist.

    Employees who clock in require a job code. Employees without a job code assigned typically do not need to clock in (such as tax exempt employees). If an employee has more than one job code assigned (for example, bartender and server), the workstation prompts the employee to select a job code when clocking in.

  8. Click Save.
  9. Select the Enterprise level, click Configuration, and then click Roles.
  10. Select the role type, click the Operations tab, and then click the Timekeeping subtab.
  11. From the Job Rate Options section, select the appropriate Clock in at Rate options for employees associated with the role. Each rate number refers to a pay rate that is assigned for the employee record.
  12. Click Save.

Job Codes

A Job Code identifies a category of labor group (for example, Server, Bartender, Cashier, Manager) for timekeeping. Job codes:
  • Link hourly employees to specific pay rates upon clock in

  • Group labor hours and costs into job categories on reports

Configuring Job Codes

  1. Select the property, click Configuration, and then click Job Codes.
  2. Insert a new job code record with the appropriate name (for example, Server, Bartender, or Manager), and then double-click it to open.
  3. Select the Employee Role from the drop-down list to associate with the job code.

    If you select 0 - None, the employee receives privileges based on the roles set in the Employee Maintenance module.

    This setting is ideal for an employee who has two job codes (for example, Server and Bartender). The privileges associated with this employee role are active for the duration of the clock-in cycle.

  4. Select the Employee Class from the drop-down list.

    If you select 0 - None, the employee uses the Employee Class set in the Employee Maintenance module.

    The employee is assigned to this employee class for the duration of the clock-in cycle.

  5. Select the Revenue Center in which the job code is available.

    To make the job code available in all revenue centers, select 0 - None.

  6. Enter the Report Group for the job code.

    The labor reports sort and calculate subtotals by the Report Group. If you set the Report Group to 0 (zero), the job code does not appear on job code reports.

  7. Select the appropriate options as described in the following table:
8. Click Save.

Last modified: Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 11:44 AM