Editing, Settings Effectivity and Adding VPI to List

Editing a Vendor Purchase Item Name

  1. Click Master Data, and then click Vendor Purchase Catalog.
  2. Use the filters to find the item you want to modify, and then click the purchase item name.
  3. In the Edit Purchase Item dialog box, edit the name in the Purchase Item field, and then click OK.

Setting an Effectivity Range for a Vendor

  1. Click Master Data, and then click Vendor Purchase Catalog.
  2. Select the appropriate vendor, select an item, and then click Set Effectivity.
  3. In the Add Effective Range dialog box, select Effective, and then select the Time Period.
  4. If you selected User Defined as the Time Period, select the From and To effectivity dates.
  5. Click OK.

Adding a VPI to a list or Updating an Existing VPI Already within a List

  1. Click Master Data, and then click Vendor Purchase Catalog.
  2. Select the appropriate Vendor, click Refresh, select an item, and then click Lists....
  3. In the Apply to Lists dialog box, select the list you want to associate with the item, and then click OK.

Last modified: Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 11:33 AM