Simphony - General Operation Course

1. Edit Employee Cards

  • Sign in as manager , Go to Functions and select Managers Functions Tab, press Assign Employee ID.


  • Select Employee.


  • Select Employee Name ( you can search for Employee either by Name or Surname ) and select EDIT.

  • Once this is done screen will prompt to swipe card or enter manual code.

  • Exit all the way out to Sign-in screen and test new Card.

2. Menu Item Edit ( set availability ) 

Sign in as manager, Go to Functions and select Managers Function Tab.

  • Select Menu Item Availability  

  • Select the desired Menu Item ( use filters on Left to assist with search ) and select EDIT 

  • Once in definition select a choice to edit Menu Item.

  • OUT OF STOCK > a red cross will appear on Menu Item in POS to prevent menu Item from being sold.

  • CHECK AVAILABLILITY  > a red cross will appear on Menu Item in POS to prevent menu Item from being sold.

  • COUNT AVAILABLE > this will allow you to place a count on Menu in POS , once 0 is reached the item will be marked as Sold Out. ( on the POS the number remaining will display in small red fond on Menu Item )

Once done select SAVE

3. Void 

  • A VOID is done once the Employee has rung up an item and selected SEND.  

  • To VOID the Waiter/s must pick up table and select item/s to be VOIDED.

  • Authorize the VOID by swiping Managers Card.

Select the reason for void and press OK.

4. Error Correct 
  • A Error Correct is done once the Employee has rung up an item and have not selected SEND ,case could be that incorrect item/s was rung up  

  • To Correct ask Waiter/s to select item/s to be Corrected   

  • Authorize the VOID by swiping Managers Card

5. Split Bill

  • Ask Waiter/s to access the bill that needs to be split 

  • Split Check is found under Functions, and Employee Functions tab on the right. 

  • Split the clients bill as prescribed and select SAVE ( You can also add a new bill if split is to multiple dockets ) 

  • Select the items on the left and press on the desired check on the right to move items back and forth. 

  • Once SAVE is selected follow screen prompts

6. Transfer Check

  • Transfer a check, asks the waiter to begin or pick up the table / check to where the check needs to end up i.e. if table 5 is moving to table 10 the waiter needs to begin or pick up table 10. 

  • Go to FUNCTION, Employee Functions tab and select Transfer from other RVC.  

  • Select the RVC where the table or check is, it will pop up with all the tables in the outlet. Select the table and press ok. It will prompt for Authorization which a manager needs to swipe their card. 

  • It might ask if you want to transfer this check. Confirm and press Ok. You will need to press send order to complete the transfer. 

7. Edit Closed Check 

  • This is done when an check is posted incorrectly it will allow you to only change the way it was posted  

  • The waiter who closed the check needs to sign in as this correction needs to take place on their name for cash up and reporting purposes. Go to Functions, Employee Functions tab and select “Edit Closed Check” 

  • The manager will need to Authorize the Edit by swiping their card. 

  • It will then display all closed checks. You can sort it by selecting the headers displayed at the top (Check, Time Amount Employee and Table). Select the table and press Ok. 

You will go back to main screen.  Select the payment method and press void.  

Proceed to PAYMENT screen and repost the check the correct way.

8. Reprint closed check 

  • This is done when an check is needs to be reprinted again.

  • Swipe Managers Card and go to Functions, Employee Functions tab screen and select “Reprint Closed Check”.

- Next you will select the check number and select “OK” to reprint check.


  • The waiter that needs to cash up needs to sign in. They must see a blank white screen with no check or tables on it. 

We also need to confirm that they have no open checks or tables in other outlets. Select Employee Open Check at the bottom right.

  • It must show under View at the top Property to check all open checks for the property, it must also show the employees name. 

  • At the bottom select Run Report. 

It must not show any checks or tables in this report. We recommend printing this short chit as proof for cash up. Select Print at the bottom. Close and cancel out. 
Sign in as Manager go to Functions, Report Tab and select Employee Financial to cash up ( Offline cash up is available as well if property was trading offline ) 

Select the Employee to be cashed up at the top by selecting the down arrow next to the name. This report can be run for the property or per outlet by changing the View to property or outlet as a standard we always select Property. Select Run Report at the bottom and Print. 

Last modified: Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 12:05 PM