Recalling a Saved Count & Adjusting a Count

Recalling a Saved Count

You can recall an incomplete count for a receptacle session that was previously saved.

  1. Select the function to count a receptacle.
  2. If multiple receptacles are available, highlight the appropriate session, and then click OK.
  3. If a saved count exists, the application prompts to use the saved count or to start a new count. Click Yes to use the saved count. The Count Sheet appears with previously entered values.

Adjusting a Count

You can correct values from the previous count. When prompted, you must select an Adjust Count Reason from a list to complete the adjustment. Adjusting the amount updates the balance.

  1. Select the function to adjust a count.
  2. If multiple receptacle counts are available, highlight the appropriate count, and then click OK.
  3. If multiple classes are configured for the count, select the class, and then click OK.
  4. Select the value to adjust: Amount, Reference, or Both.
  5. When changing the reference, enter the new reference value, and then click OK.
  6. When changing the amount, enter the new amount for the class, and then click OK.
  7. Enter the reason code, and then click OK.

Last modified: Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 11:55 AM