Changing the Serving Period & Reloading CAPS Database

Changing the Serving Period

You can change the serving period of a revenue center or a workstation.

  1. To change the serving period of a revenue center, press the Change RVC Serving Period function key, select a serving period, and then press OK.
  2. To change the serving period of a workstation, press the Change WS Serving Period function key, select a serving period, and then press OK.

Reloading and Refreshing the CAPS Database

  1. To reload the Check and Posting (CAPS) database, press the Launch PMC function key, press Reload CAPS Database on the Functions tab, and then press Yes to confirm.
  2. To refresh the CAPS database, press the Launch PMC function key, and then press Refresh CAPS Database on the Functions tab.

Last modified: Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 11:52 AM