Changing Employee Information

You must have the Enterprise level permission Edit Employees to change an employee record.

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, or revenue center, click Configuration, and then click Employee Maintenance.
  2. Search for the employee record using the Search Criteria fields to limit the results, and then click Search. Depending on the hierarchy level at which you opened the Employee Maintenance module (Enterprise, property, or revenue center), the resulting list of employee records appears in one of the following tabs located near the lower area of the screen:
    • Employee Records – Enterprise level

    • Property Employee Records – Property level

    • Operator Records – Revenue Center level

  3. Make changes in either table view or form view. To make changes in form view, double-click the object number of the employee record.
  4. Change any of the information in the active fields. The following tables list the types of information you can change for each hierarchy level.

Last modified: Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 11:44 AM