MyInventory -Stock Take Variances

Stock count – How to Investigate Variances

Should you have a deviation in your stock count, you would need to check the following:

1.     Is your Stock count setup for the correct date & Method?

2.     COS Custom – to check your Weekly Opening and Closing figures.

3.     Item Activity TOP Report to ensure that all transactions correspond?

4.     Receipts – have you received the correct item, and the correct QTY per Unit

5.     Transfers – Have you Transferred the Correct item, at the Correct QTY per Unit

6.     Sales, Have All the Sales been booked

1.      If not – have all the Menu Items been Linked

2.      If yes – has the Menu Items been Linked Correctly & are all the Recipe ingredients correct

7.     Production – have you Declared Production on the Produced Articles.

8.     Waste – have you booked All Waste

9.     Control Actions.

After checking everything, Please ensure that you refresh your Count, before booking it.

Stock Counts

Stock Counts are setup to be your Closing Stock for that Stock count date.

In the Example Below, the Figures Captured in this count will be booked as the CLOSING Figures for 21 October 2014, as this stock count’s time is 23:59 END OF DAY.

Please also check the Closing Method:

Set not Counted to 0 – when you book the stock count and didn’t enter a figure in one line, the system will automatically fill in a zero.

Set not counted to THEO. SOH. – When you book the stock count and didn’t enter a figure in one line, the system will leave the stock as its current theoretical Value.

You would also need to check previously booked counts, to ensure that this is not a ripple effect from that count being setup incorrectly.

Item Activity Top Report

This Report Can Be Accessed by Going to: My Reports > More Reports…> MyInventory > item Activity Top.

This Report will Show you all Transactions for your Items, reflecting the new SOH After each Transaction. It will also give you an indication if something has been booked incorrectly / Captured Incorrectly.

COS Custom


This Report Can Be Accessed by Going to: My Reports > More Reports…> MyInventory COS Custom

You will need to pull this report 1 day at a time to ensure that your opening vs. closing figures balance. If not, your variance could be a ripple effect from this.




After Checking your Item Activity top Report, you can also go and Check your Receipts for those Items in Question.

Ensure that you captured the Receipt for the Correct Date, using the Correct Unit of Measure and the Correct Quantity per Unit. If this is incorrect, you will need to post a Return to Vendor and re- receive the stock again, taking note of the Date of the Transaction. The date needs to fall within the Stock take Date Range.




After Checking your Item Activity top Report, you can also go and Check your Transfers for those Items in Question.

Ensure that you captured the Transfer for the Correct Date, using the Correct Unit of Measure and the Correct Quantity per Unit. If this is incorrect, you will need to post a reverse Transfer and re- transfer the stock again, taking note of the Date of the Transaction. The date needs to fall within the Stock take Date Range.




Please check that all your sales have been booked, you can pull the unbooked sales report by going to:

This Report Can Be Accessed by Going to: My Reports > More Reports…> MyInventory > Unbooked Sales

If the sales are unbooked, Please check the Reason why. It is usually because the product hasn’t been linked yet.

Please link the product and allow all the unbooked sales to deplete before you book your Stock Count.

If the Sales are Booked, Please check that your Menu Items Are Linked to the correct Quantity and that your Recipes are Correct, unfortunately the changes will only take affect going forward.

Remember to Refresh your Stock Count.



After Checking your Item Activity top Report, you can also go and Check your Production for those Items in Question.

Ensure that you captured the Production Declaration for the Correct Date. Ensure that the Ingredients for the Production Article Recipe are correct




After Checking your Item Activity top Report, you can also go and Check your Waste (Stock Write off’s) for those Items in Question.

Ensure that you captured the Waste for the Correct Date, using the Correct Unit of Measure and the Correct Quantity per Unit.


Control Actions


Before booking your Count, Please Check your Control actions to ensure that all your Transactions have been processed. (Please see the MyInventory – Month End Checklist).

Last modified: Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 11:24 AM