Navigating the Vendor Purchase Catalog
Navigating the Vendor Purchase Catalog
Navigation details within the Vendor Purchase Catalog are described below. There are several filter options listed along with the details you can find in the overview grid which lists the vendor purchase items.
Use Effectivity Filter
Effective: filter for vendor purchase items currently in use.
Not effective: filter for vendor purchase items not in use.
No effective date: filter for vendor purchase items without defined effective dates.
Effective from-to: filter for vendor purchase items within a defined range of effective dates.
Corporate: displays vendor purchase items for all stores.
Local: displays vendor purchase items for the stores within your cost center filter.
Show VPI Only: only vendor purchase items are displayed in the result set.
Show Inventory Item: displays the inventory item associated with the vendor purchase item. This option is only available if Show VPI Only is selected.
Show Inactive Purchase Item: displays vendor purchase items that are no longer active.
Column Selection: select the column headings that are visible in the Catalog Overview and Detail pages.
Vendor: displays the vendor name.
Item No.: displays the item number.
Item: displays the item name.
Inventory Item: the inventory item associated with the vendor purchase item.
Audit Trail: if enabled, shows any changes to the item and when they occurred.
Action: there are three options:
New: create a new vendor purchase item.
Link: create a link between an item in a B2B catalog and the vendor purchase item.
Linked: displays the linked vendor purchase items and the B2B catalog item.
(optional) Vendor Item No.: displays the vendor item number (if available).
Unit: displays the base unit for the item.
(optional) Weight: displays item weight.
(optional) Default: defines the default vendor purchase item from your default vendor for the item.
(optional) Price: displays the vendor purchase item price.
(optional) Price/BU: displays the price of the item in its base unit.
(optional) 2nd Price: displays the price that is activated once the Valid until date is reached. For example, if the price of strawberries decreases from $8 to $5 in June, then you can set the Valid from field to June 1, set the Valid until date to July 1, and set the 2nd Price to $5.
(optional) Valid from: displays the start date that the 2nd Price is valid.
(optional) Valid until: displays the end date that the 2nd Price is valid.
(optional) Discount %: displays the discount percent during an effectivity range.
(optional) Effective: displays whether or not the vendor/item is effective.
(optional) Effective from: displays the effectivity start date. Must be after today’s date.
(optional) Effective until: displays the effectivity end date.
(optional) Receiving Cutoff in Days: displays the number of days the item may be received past its effective date. Must be a number between 0 and 365.
(optional) Fixed Order Qty: defines the number of items that must be ordered at a time.
Barcode: displays the item barcode, if applicable.
Producer: producer of the item.
Country of Origin: displays the country that the item is from.
(optional) Split Pack: displays whether the item can be ordered as a split pack from a B2B vendor, for example half a case instead of a whole case.
Set Effectivity: determine the length of time the vendor purchase item is effective. See Setting an Effectivity Range for a Vendor for more details.
Price Behavior: change price to dynamic price, fixed proposal price, or fixed price. See Creating a New Item for more details.
Lists: add vendor purchase items to an existing order list. See List Management for more details.
Manage Barcode: enter a barcode for the selected vendor purchase item, which then appears in the Barcode column.
Generate Barcode: creates an internal barcode for the vendor purchase item.
Change Unit: update the vendor purchase item’s unit, but the price is not updated automatically, you must update that separately.
Receiving in …: update the receiving unit. For example, a draft beer may be priced per liter, but it is received in a 50 liter keg.
Delete: delete a vendor purchase item. Before deletion, the system checks to see if it is included in any purchase orders.